Let me say I could give a story about an amp that on one speaker sounded very good, and horrible on another, until it played thru the other speaker for about 25 hours, and then it started to settle and play as if it was matched well.. Why? It could be as simple as everybody seems to want to argue, it has to do with the Load change, A 4 ohm speaker that plays down to 20 hz, vs. a 6 ohm speaker that only responds down to 37 hz might in fact cause a Different HEAT and load in certain bandwiths bringing the amp to use a Different and measurable electrical difference after burning it in... Litterally maybe the components Quite simply do Adapt to the different impeadences of the Preamp, or the CD player, Or the Tubes, Or the Speakers that one link to the other connects too..
This could also show why some say the best matches out of the box are from the same Manufacture connecting to each other as they were all designed in one very common domain of parameters to each other... So you take a Audio research preamp and hook to a Krell amp, well maybe those caps, transistors or Whatever are Working harder or easier to a different load and at some point they almost adjust due to simple heat and current driving the unit... I mean some Preamps seem to have better gain and bass hooked to a certain amp, or speaker right? Well its just possible there is a little varience and things do start to run and kinda Burn in to that electrical response over time?
I mean I have no idea if this could be true, or if any manufacture has measured something Running 100 hours on their own stuff and then Running it on something that is less compadable and finding the synergy match to move a little over time.. I know it sounds a little crazy but why not?
Kinda like how When you use PRemium gas in a car for 3 months that should be using Plus gas and then you go back to plus and things are not quite right till the computer re-adjusts..Yes this is not the best example but gets a point across...
Or how a Plasma screen sits in a position for a prolonged period of time and Burns the image of a video game ghosted into the screen or something, I mean we know this stuff can happen, so its possible this is part of what people start to hear if not using factory matched components, or speakers not voiced to certain amps whatever...
Just throwing it out there, although I am not backing this as true. But it seems to make some type of possible sense.