Actually I meant in general run-of-the-mill electronic industry applications, as transistors are not very reliable for high voltage applications where for example krytrons might be used (although transistors have got better at high voltage over the years).
I know you don't like negative feedback but I am sure you will at least agree that feedback is the electronics industry "cheap and easy" solution to achieve better linearity with high speed transistors. A high quality tube (much more linear than a transistor)with less negative feedback and more carefully selected components is another alternative approach, which works too (some say better for audiophile applications).
I didn't mean to trigger a debate of tubes vs SS (apologies if it sounded that way) all I really tried to show was that engineers favor configurations that produce consistent results (i.e. minimize response drift whatever the cause). IMHO, significant break-in response changes over long periods are not desirable and that good power supply and component designs should minimze these issues, in many instances to the point of inaudibilty under a variety of conditions.
'low voltage applications' - do you mean like phono signals
Actually I meant in general run-of-the-mill electronic industry applications, as transistors are not very reliable for high voltage applications where for example krytrons might be used (although transistors have got better at high voltage over the years).
I know you don't like negative feedback but I am sure you will at least agree that feedback is the electronics industry "cheap and easy" solution to achieve better linearity with high speed transistors. A high quality tube (much more linear than a transistor)with less negative feedback and more carefully selected components is another alternative approach, which works too (some say better for audiophile applications).
I didn't mean to trigger a debate of tubes vs SS (apologies if it sounded that way) all I really tried to show was that engineers favor configurations that produce consistent results (i.e. minimize response drift whatever the cause). IMHO, significant break-in response changes over long periods are not desirable and that good power supply and component designs should minimze these issues, in many instances to the point of inaudibilty under a variety of conditions.