Jeez, I think you are all too harsh. My impression of Shadorne is that, far from spreading mischief, he is coming at these discussions from the perspective of an engineer heretofore unexposed to (or unpersuaded by) the esoteric beliefs of high-end audiophilia. He's being stubborn because it doesn't make sense to him. Why not gently try to persuade him instead of decrying him as a bad element (my term, but that's the vibe I get).
I swear, sometimes it's like being amongst a group of creationists who don't want any "wrong-thinkers" in their midst. Run 'em out on a railroad, boys! The difference being that creationism is entirely nonsense, whereas at least some of what we believe around here may have merit. :-)
I swear, sometimes it's like being amongst a group of creationists who don't want any "wrong-thinkers" in their midst. Run 'em out on a railroad, boys! The difference being that creationism is entirely nonsense, whereas at least some of what we believe around here may have merit. :-)