If I may "explore" Shadorne's comments above, we may find similarity rather than disagreement:
My point was that audio engineers [would aim to] design things to sound consistent and significant audible changes ascribed to [any number of parametres, one of which is] lengthy burn-ins (after months of listening) (...)[may] not be very desirable [since it could result in performance variations between otherwise identical pieces of equipment]
I wouldn;t think anyone is doubting that -- if I catch Shadorne's drift.
The fact that there IS some change in performance is all the more interesting.
A note about wires, referred to by Atma above: one of the most boringly annoying such situations must be changing the tonearm wire. Once changed "for the better" the new wire often takes an PIA time to "settle"/burn/break or whatever it is or takes for it to sound normal/itself...