1. 1990. Proton AA-1150
This was a great little amp for college. Good sound, good looks, and impressive amounts of power.
2. 1992. Parasound HCA-2200
This was to be my main amp for a small home theater system in college (yes, I was ambitious and already saving my money for a LaserDisc player). This poor amp was a big dud. It hummed like a banshee, but on a very irregular basis. I did not discover this issue until it was too late to return it to the dealer. I wonder if I just had a lemon or if the Mk II fixed an issue with the Mk I.
3. 1993. NAD 208 THX
This was an awesome amp that I held onto for 13 years (I just recently sold it to a friend). This amp was quiet, clean, had lots of power, and never gave me any trouble.
4. 1994. NAD 2400 THX
I still have this amp, currently in use on a pair of subwoofers. I have also used this amp in various applications like surround speakers and a 2 channel office system. Like the 208, it's a quiet and trouble free amp. It prefers small speakers though.
5. 1999. Bryston 4B-ST
This amp is still in service in my home theater. You simply can't go wrong with a Bryston.
6. 2003. Bryston 14B-SST
This is a bruiser of an amp, currently used in my 2 channel bedroom system. It has ridiculous amounts of power and is the quietest amp I have owned (until ASR came along). It will soon be displaced to the home theater by an ASR Emitter I.
7. 2003. Bryston 6B-SST
Currently driving the front three channels of my home theater, this guy is the little brother to the 14B. No complaints here.
8. 2006. ASR Emitter I Exclusive
Currently waiting for Christmas to come a few days early. I'm not sure how to upgrade from here...