Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
In my last post to this thread back in Oct. '02 I had moved to a bigger room and switched from a CJ MV-55 to a pair of VTL MB-185s. These were the only tubes left in my system after changing to solid-state pre and phono amps. Latest power amp switch this past summer was to a McCormack DNA-500, so no tubes left at all. Sonically I don't miss them with this amp; reliability wise I'm enjoying my newfound freedom from care and problems, which translates into more listening to music.
Getting to this thread late. My quest for that "Holy Grail" started back in 1979 when I purchased a 100 watt Hafler amp coupled with a NAD Preamp running that through Snell C's. Of course there was no Cd's so a turntable was used. From there is has been one amp after another. I did evolve early into tube when the Music Reference RM9 was first introduced in the early 80's. Got some Magnapans MGIII's the tubes couldn't handle the load so went to the Krell KMA 100's. I did not stay there long, I liked the panels so I bought Quads and whet back to tubes, this time an Audio Research SP10 preamp with a D125 amp. I went through the whole SP series of pre's (10,11,12, and 14). That is when I totally had had it with tubes, traded my whole system for a Meridian Digital system. Had that for several years but lost interest in the whole hobby and really did not listen to my stereo for much.

The bug struck again, I bought a Wheatfield tube headphone amp that sounded so much better than my big system, the quest again began. I remembered, so I thought, how good that Music Reference RM9 system sounded I again bought one and mated it to some Martin Logan SL3's. I moved from one amp to another within the Audio Research, and Cary line. In 2002 at the CES show I heard my first SET amp. I was blown away with the whole presentation, the best I had heard, even in a very poorly set up room. I bought Cary 2A3 amp mono blockds only to realize that now the speakers needed to replaced. I bought some SET friendly speakers, I went from the 2A3 amps right to the Cary 805c's, from there to Sophia 845 based amps. The 845 tube just did not seem to have the magic that the 2A3 tube had so I tried a pair of Welborne 300b amps. Used them for awhile. I was invited over to a guy's house that had an actively bi-amped SET system. I went straight home and turned my system on, nothing, total disappointment, now what? I now have an actively bi-amped system. An Art Audio Carissa running my mid-base and a 2A3 amp driving a pair of ribbon tweeters. An expensive journey for sure but rewarding. I can't so the search is over but I do know that I will be actively bi-amping for sometime to come.

I'm sure I left out some amps that were shoved in during this journey, it has been fun and am looking forward to the continued saga...................Bob
Rotel 930
Micromega Minium
Sim I 5080
YBA Integre DT
Monarchy SM 70 with Bellini pre
PS Audio HCA-2 + Bellini
Quad 909 (CDP99 direct)
Cayin AT88
Linar 10 5.1ch - a keeper

Looking to add a 2ch tube amp to have best of both worlds:
VTL ST 150 or Manley Snapper or Cary CAD211/V12R or Jadis DA7. Preamp is McCormack Micro, a gem.
Krell Evolution 402, 202 and 505!
All past gear is unimportant (ARC, BAT, Levinson, etc..)
Transparent cables and power cords
MIT Oracle speaker interface
Dynaudio C4 speakers
Music exists in the room with minimal artifacts to distract
one from the illusion.