MC402 vs FPB 300cx

Anyone have any insight here...These are two amps I am considering going for, but have a little concern leaving Krell. I have read alot on both, most of the information on the FPB I am familiar, and I am familiar with the Krell sound. The Mc402 however seems to get some commentary in the Bass area, lackthereof. I love the bass slam of my Krell, and I love the detail of it. Is MAC way off in terms of sound signature? Does the 402 give slam, or does it roll?

Thanks for any insight anyone has.
Jc51373, So are you keeping the Krell? I love my Krell and would never sell it. Well, maybe for a Pass Labs amp ;-)

You are certainly entitled to your opinions and I think the reason many Mac users here are having a hard time with your observations is that they are exactly opposite of all other Mac users. I don't think I have ever heard anyone, either in a professional review, this site or AA, describe a Mac amp as harsh in the mid-range, or sharp or raspy. This leads me to think there may have been a problem with the unit you had at home. I am familiar with your Krell, having auditioned one in my system. It is indeed a very good amp but to call the Mac a tier below it and an entry level piece is certainly not my experience at all, which again leads me to believe there was some serious issues with that particular Mac amp or synergy in your system. Anyway, good luck and enjoy your amp!

Hi Mike, you make some good points, there may have been something wrong with the unit. It's certainly a possibility. Although it didn't sound like there were any major problems, which you can usually pick up on that pretty quickly. There was one other person here who had the exact same impression of the Mac that I had though, and I am not surprised there are more Mac owners responding than people with the same experiences that I have had.

When I described the amp midrange I also said it sounded etched, which is probably the most accurate adjective I used in describing it. It just didn't sound smooth and rhythmic to me at all, and I don't think this was because it was broken, just the way it sounded in my room etc.

When I say the Mac is a different amp than the Krell, I mean to the FPB line up, not my current Kav. I think the FPB is a different class. Neither here nor there though, as long as people like what they have is all that matters.
I think you'll be wow'd. I'd like to get my 300C upgraded to a 400CX...just haven't gotten around to it. I don't want to go "ampless" for any amount of time.

BTW - the 400CX will be slightly bigger/heavier than the 402.