Thanks Audphile! Excellent points you make here..I think the next step is to a/b the 803Ds and the 803s. I don't know why I didn't do that when I was there before. Now that I think about it, over the years in this hobby I have never given the 803's a good listen, so I gotta do my due diligence.
I am also going to make sure they use better equipment for the next audition, since they used Mac equipment, which I don't like the sound of at all, and it was only 120 a channel. Poo!
This time, VTL and Bryston, since they don't have Krell, and I don't want to lug my FPB there. They won't let you take the Diamonds for a home audition because b&w has some strict policy about damage to those tweeters-basically because they cost so much. I fully admit, I loved the sound of the 803Ds, they reminded me of the difference I experienced when I put auditioned Levinson gear here at home, prior to settling on what I have now..Smooth, balanced, a little darker etc. But....And this is the exact same But I had with Levinson...I always thought the price did not justify the improvement in sound. More to come on that once hear the two 803's...
More importantly, I need to find some medication for this horrible disease I have come down with, Upgraditus.
I am also going to make sure they use better equipment for the next audition, since they used Mac equipment, which I don't like the sound of at all, and it was only 120 a channel. Poo!
This time, VTL and Bryston, since they don't have Krell, and I don't want to lug my FPB there. They won't let you take the Diamonds for a home audition because b&w has some strict policy about damage to those tweeters-basically because they cost so much. I fully admit, I loved the sound of the 803Ds, they reminded me of the difference I experienced when I put auditioned Levinson gear here at home, prior to settling on what I have now..Smooth, balanced, a little darker etc. But....And this is the exact same But I had with Levinson...I always thought the price did not justify the improvement in sound. More to come on that once hear the two 803's...
More importantly, I need to find some medication for this horrible disease I have come down with, Upgraditus.