MC402 vs FPB 300cx

Anyone have any insight here...These are two amps I am considering going for, but have a little concern leaving Krell. I have read alot on both, most of the information on the FPB I am familiar, and I am familiar with the Krell sound. The Mc402 however seems to get some commentary in the Bass area, lackthereof. I love the bass slam of my Krell, and I love the detail of it. Is MAC way off in terms of sound signature? Does the 402 give slam, or does it roll?

Thanks for any insight anyone has.
Thanks Audphile! Excellent points you make here..I think the next step is to a/b the 803Ds and the 803s. I don't know why I didn't do that when I was there before. Now that I think about it, over the years in this hobby I have never given the 803's a good listen, so I gotta do my due diligence.

I am also going to make sure they use better equipment for the next audition, since they used Mac equipment, which I don't like the sound of at all, and it was only 120 a channel. Poo!

This time, VTL and Bryston, since they don't have Krell, and I don't want to lug my FPB there. They won't let you take the Diamonds for a home audition because b&w has some strict policy about damage to those tweeters-basically because they cost so much. I fully admit, I loved the sound of the 803Ds, they reminded me of the difference I experienced when I put auditioned Levinson gear here at home, prior to settling on what I have now..Smooth, balanced, a little darker etc. But....And this is the exact same But I had with Levinson...I always thought the price did not justify the improvement in sound. More to come on that once hear the two 803's...

More importantly, I need to find some medication for this horrible disease I have come down with, Upgraditus.
Glad you are finally looking past the 804s for real bass. I hoped you would take my advice. But the 803 do need a pretty large room to not sound boomy. The new 804S might be just the ticket for you and shouldn't be overlooked - they sound like a bigger speaker with more meat on the bottom when compared to your N804.

let me know how that A/B audition goes. As I mentioned I think stepping up to 803 whether D or S will be a big step over your current speakers. Seems like you could still listen to your system but can't stop thinking about the bigger B&Ws. :)

120w/ch Mac for these B&Ws is not an amp.
Thanks guys...I will report back on my thoughts on the 803s. I don't want boomy, but I will spike them like I did my n804's which totally saps the boom right out of em.

I think long term I would just simply be happier something a smidge bigger to match the Krell (arrives next week). But, I gotta be honest, and it has nothing to do with the fact I own them now, I love my little N804s, they are a very capable speaker. I say capable because I have auditioned so much equipment over the years and they are able to reveal all the subtle differences pretty accurately, with b&w style of course.

803D's are an entirely different story altogether.
I would get a two Plinius sa 102 and bi-amp or bi-wire you would get outstanding results.