What tube amp to drive Guarneri's?

My current amp is a Rowland Model 8 with choke. It drives the SF Guarneri's very well and sounds great. However, I would like to add a tube amp that would compliment the speakers, what suggestions?
Hi, check RCM Bonasus dual mono integrated from Poland. Now distributed in USA.
It's got very positive reviews in 6moons and Highfidelityonline.
After giving it a little more thought, I realized that I have wondered if a high quality - high power "transformer" based tube amp would kick up the bass response in the Guarneris. In my own experience, I've found many (what are the exceptions?) high-power tube amps lose transparency, emotion and harmonics and those are the sonic qualities that the Guarneris do the best. Nobody is going to buy them for "slam", but I've wondered how they would do with a very transparent high-powered transformer based tube amp. I've not tried such an amp with my Guarneris, although I would like to test drive such a combination some time. Best, Jeff
Following up on Gregm's recommendation, I recently got the KR Audio Kronzilla SXI integrated. It is extremely transparent and has AMAZING bass -- not just deep but it really takes control of the woofers, well beyond the more powerful solid state amps I've had in my system. You might be surprised what the Kronzilla amps can do for "slam".