Whoa! My info on pricing 300b's is sure higher than that, like double.... or more. A lot more. I did do some research too with creditable tube vendors for a good while.
Those sound great huh? Lovely. the retubing price wasn't the only thing that made me move away from the VAC I was looking at... but it was significant among the reasons.
I will get back with my results.
Sure do thank you for the help.
Whoa! My info on pricing 300b's is sure higher than that, like double.... or more. A lot more. I did do some research too with creditable tube vendors for a good while.
Those sound great huh? Lovely. the retubing price wasn't the only thing that made me move away from the VAC I was looking at... but it was significant among the reasons.
I will get back with my results.
Sure do thank you for the help.