SET for 88 dB 4 ohm loadspeaker

Can you recommend any SET or PSE for 88 bB 4 ohm speaker


One of us is confused here. What do you mean by SE push pull? Aren't the two designs, single-ended and pushpull inherently different? Single-ended means that one tube (or set of tubes in parallel) reproduces both halves of the wave form (by modulating DC current flowing in the primary). Pushpull means that tubes reproducing the opposite halves of the wave are connected to the opposite ends of the primary, with the DC voltage at the center tap.

I don't know anything about the amp you mentioned, but it could be a triode, class A, pushpull amp. But I don't see how it could also be single-ended.
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KR Audio produces a number of higher power SETs, that output 20-100 Watts SET depending on model. I have their SXI integrated on order with 50W output from the Kronzilla tube. I currently have a Ming Da with an 805/300b combo that puts out about 45 Watts and still has a lot of nice attributes of the SET sound -- not the last word, but not bad for the money. Other amps I was considering were the New Audio Frontiers with about 25W and the Mastertone 845 Ref with about 40W/channel.

Thanks for the link. The amp shown is a parallel SET. It has two output tubes per channel, but it is NOT pushpull. Rather, the two tubes are hooked up in parallel. Not only does this increase output, it lowers the output impedance of the amp.

I know there are a lot of SET purist who say that configuration does not work well. I have no idea if the drawback of this configuration outweighs the advantages. What I can say is that my amp (Audionote Kageki) is a parallel SET (2a3 tubes) and it sounds great to me.
oops, I meant Mastersound 845 Ref. As a banjo player, I think about the Gibson Mastertone whenever I write mastersound.