More power or better quality power?

I use a 120 watt NAD integrated and a pair of Sonus Concerto Monitors (Home version), and a REL stadium III for the low end. I am researching new integrateds because my System sounds lifeless. My car system sounded much the same before I added a higher power (twice the wattage) and higher quality (3 times the price) amp. The difference was night and day. So I am wondering, do I need more power for my home system, or do I just need better quality power...or worse yet, BOTH! My room is pretty large (18 by 18 give or take, plus a high vaulted cieling). The system is tucked in a corner and i listen from about 8 feet away on axis. I listen to everything, but mostly rock. I was considering a 100 watt Primare that is on audiogon right now. I was going to go Plinius, but I think with warm speakers, and warm cables (cardas) That might be just too much warmth :)
Low level quality of sound is important because I do no live alone and don't want to need to crank it to get a good quality sound.

So, is bigger really better, or is it it the quality?
I recently traded more power (ARC VT200 200 wpc) for better quality power (ARC Ref 110 100 wpc). And I couldn't be happier.
pull the system out of the corner if possible. if not ,atleast pull the speakers out, see if that helps. what is the cd,amp,speakers,cables? large room, but doen[t necessarily need more power,especially eight feet away. power is expensive, if it's good power, so be careful. don't move to fast, if you like your speakers, then , it may be your cd player....try another cd player, if you can borrow one from a shop? go slow and thoughtful....give me your system and ill let you know. i have been messing around over forty years with this stuff and money doen't always mean the best sound, but most of the time ,it cost ..dwhitt