help me decide: VTL 7.5 or ARC Ref 3

Hi, I am currently contemplating these two preamps. My reference is the Einstein The Tube preamp. Both of these sound pretty close to the Einstein. I would greatly appreciate feedback from owners of either preamp (past, present, future). Also, which one is more tubey? I have heard the Ref 3 and it sounds great. I have not heard the VTL 7.5 but have heard incredible things about it.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the info about AMR. I just want to point at Ayon Audio Polaris pre amp. A friend of mine just exchenged his VTL 7.5 with the Ayon Polaris - MILES better (MUCH wider and deeper sondstage, better timing, better musical flow, MUCH more transparent, nicer hights and much more natural mids). CanĀ“t comment on the ARC.
IMO the newest version of the 7.5 is not even in the same class as the ARC 3. The 7.5 killed the ARC in my auditioning experiences. There is also a dramatic price difference between these two pieces that is being overlooked here. The ARC 3 is really more on par with the 6.5, both soundwise and pricewise.

At this level though you really can't go wrong with any of these pieces. They are are excellent, and make making a final decision very difficult.
Any thoughts....seeking pre amp for system...have listened to Ref 3, LS 26 and VTL 6.5...current version....this is to drive a group of Ayre this point the VTL seems to be best choice...has the air and detail/image/sound stage of Ref, but control at low end...this is for Rockport any advice before I pull the trigger is appreciated....
I purchased a 7.5 Mk2 in August and use it with a CAT JL-2 Sig Mk2. It is the best combination that I have heard with my Eidolons. It is curious that the 7.5 works better with the CAT amp than the latest CAT Ultimate Mk2 does on the Eidolons. I used to own ARC (SP9, LS-1, PH-1) in the early 90's and switched to the CAT because I felt that it sounded much better, but at that time I had Martin-Logan CLS IIz's and 2 Vandersteen subs. I have not heard the Ref 3 in my system so I can't comment on your question specifically.