Passive preamp for Tube Amp?

Has anyone tried using a passive pre with a tube amplifier? In particular I am interested in a passive like a Placette PVC with a McIntosh MC275. Primary source will be phono via a Rogue Stealth. Speakers are Quad 2805.

I have heard mixed reviews on whether this would result in softened dynamics and bass impact. Many of the published reviews of the Placette are very positive, but I have read some posts by actual users who mentioned the softened dynamics and weak bass.

The Placette comes with a 30 day home trial, but I am just looking for as much information up front as I can get. Thanks for any wisdom here...

I use two Placette Preamps so I've had lots of experience with them. The idea that Placettes soften dynamics and weaken the bass punch is pure nonsense. Placette's pass All of the sound through completely undistorted using Vishay resistors with an accuracy of +/- .005%. No other passive line control even comes close. The only problem with the Placette passive line contol is that it, as the name implies, has no amplification for phono sources. The Placette Active Preamp must be used in this case.
Try a TVC, especially those that use S&B transformers like the Bent or K&K (which is the one I have). I've been using one with a 2V digital source, a phono stage with 64db of gain, and an amp with 67K input impedance. Amazing transparency, clarity, and soundstage. With a TVC you still need to pay attention to impedance matching, especially with the sources driving the TVC, but you have more flexibility than what most resistor based passives can offer.

Here is an interesting link that will help explain the impedance of a TVC:
Placette Active does not address the issue of gain for phono - it has no gain, only sophisticated buffering.
Hi Dave, I have a beautiful original McIntosh Mc 275 that I am using with my Placette Passive 3 input preamp. Speakers are 1989 Klipschorns and the sound is spectacular. Believe me there is no loss in dynamics, not with this combination. Placette is great in that it passes through the sound of the amplifier just about as uncolored as anything can. It does this so well that I can clearly hear the differences when I change any of the tubes in the McIntosh. I now listen to my Oracle Delphi turntable and just sit back and enjoy. Happy Listening, Tony Nicosia
I agree the RVC is extremely fast, uncolored and transparent, but if you compare it Placette Active (I owned both) you will notice something was missing in the bass and midbass - the difference was very obvious to me and I would say my set-up is very "passive" friendly. The SB102 based TVC (S&B xfromers) I just got is also extremely transparent, quiet, etc, but I beleive it has significantly better bass than the RVC has and a touch of warmth, that most users will like very much IMHO. This does not mean the RVC is not excellent, it is, and you will be fine with it, but when you start comparing it with either the Active version or the good TVCs, I think you might make a different decision as to which you prefer.