Whose got best class D at this point?

Bel Canto,PS Audio,Redwine what am I missing out there for either hi-effciency speakers like the Redwine Sig 30 (great review in 6moons and sounds like it would be great with Silverlines or my German horn Odeon Tosca's) or for current hungry speakers the PS GCA250 or Bel Canto 300.Think after years of onventional SS and tubes might want to take plunge but want guidepost to best bet for the money.

I've only heard a few and they were of the lesser expensive models, but they are promising. Here's what I would do if I were in the market for a new class-D amp. I would verify which models sell quickly on AudiogoN and wait for one at a fair price. If you love it, great. If not, re-sell it for the same amount or very slightly less.

I think I would be considering mid priced units like the Red Wine Audio and Channel Islands. I would also ask for feedback over on Audiocircle where both of these manufacturers have dedicated forums.

BTW, I currently have a RWA Reali-T and it is very good for the price. Makes me totally rethink my need to own my other tube amps.....


Very interesting thread as I'm looking at the Bel Canto and Nu force integrateds. I like Ruebent's advice in his first paragraph but not the second. I've found users who contribute to the Audiocircle dedicated forums are enthusiastic advocates for the particular manufacturer's products. My observation.
I had the NuForce 9's and thoughtthe Edge G.5 was nicer. I found out after I intended to sell it, that NuForce requests that you keep *20 (twenty) feet between the amps and broadcast receivers (TV/Radio).
Edge tells me that 20 inches is good enough for their amp. The say that their upper lines have even better isolation. I like the sound of the Edge G.5.
The Audio Magic are very very good sounding as well. They are a bit less musical than the Edge; but have zero problems with their power supply transmitting FM static.
Depth is less with D class than with S.S. and I've heard this from owners and from Edge.
Best to you, it can be a great deal of fun.

I purchased the Red Wine Signature 30, and after trying many SS amps in the past and not being totally satisfied especially with the class-D amps, I can now say my search is finally over! this amplifer sounds nothing like any class-D. It is so much smoother and more musical like a good tube amp, but with very controlled bass and really nice dynamics that you cannot get with tube. What also really amazes me is the no noise, as it is battery powered with high current SLA batteries.

I am very happy. I hope you get to try one too!

Good luck with your hunt,

Hey Tim,

Of course you are correct that you must be cautious when taking advice from folks on a manufacturers forum, like the RWA or CI forums at Audiocircle. What I was trying to say is that there is a high concentration of actual owners of those brands at that site and you may get some advance notice of units coming up for sale before the item is posted for sale, if you kinda keep an eye on the site. That's how I got my Reali-T. I would never suggest that you use a manufacturers forum as your sole method of researching a product.
