Whose got best class D at this point?

Bel Canto,PS Audio,Redwine what am I missing out there for either hi-effciency speakers like the Redwine Sig 30 (great review in 6moons and sounds like it would be great with Silverlines or my German horn Odeon Tosca's) or for current hungry speakers the PS GCA250 or Bel Canto 300.Think after years of onventional SS and tubes might want to take plunge but want guidepost to best bet for the money.
Hi, I have a few questions and comments for clarity.
Why not D for horns? I guess the mods for NuForce 9.02's have come through, delayed for too long for me to reconsider my past sale. (a ton of info after I packed them up; they do what? how's that good enough, fix due when?)
Lastly, what is meant by insulated cords?
and Who won the shoot-out, I didn't see the results in the MOJO page, though there was alot I intend to read.
Oh, not to forget. I find the comments elsewhere that these digital amps are immune to power cord changes to be as applicable to that of tube and s.s. amps. To say, in the case of Audio Magic, NuForce, and Edge... untrue! Not only do they show differences in cables, but one can make decisions regarding sound stage and clarity.
(Audio Metallurgy, Alicia Tweeks, Xyndack, Shunyata, Zu Mother2, Cardas, Aural Thrills, "Zen" and others were tried.)
Has anyone A/B'd the Edge g.5 to the Red wine?
I meant insulated ICs, and SCs impart noise onto the music signal. Most
recently I got to try Cardas Golden Reference, and Jena Labs. Neither were
acceptable, the Cardas being the worse.

On the contrary, the PCs should absolutely be double shielded. Even the
cheapest power cables, metal shielded throughout their length, are far better
than the most costly otherwise power cables. Shunyata is a good example.
Why not D for horns?
Despite someone "best guess" from my own experience JRDG Concerto + Tannoy 'Prestige' Glenair is an excellent combination=)...of course this is just my opinion...
i will respectfully disagree with the statement that insulated, (taken to mean shielded) ICs impart noise. No offense intended, but only a/b the same cable with and without the insulation could show that. Though, I do not doubt that you found Cardas and the other to be noisey. Shielding can
make for a blacker background, sending detail more forward (and that may be where the cable's hash existed); though some
will say it swallows the air a bit. The air (when it comes to cheap sounding cables) can be heard as noise itself. Your example of Shunyata
almost supports this, only in that you are removing the noise in the PC bia the field of the shielding. It must have been other factors that were
common to those two mentioned, that lead to your conclusion as it seems to be inopposition to the larger body of evidence regarding shielded vs
non-shielded cables. though again, I do not imply that the
observations were not actual.
You may find this humorous, that there are manu's claiming that "twisted pair" cables (a lesser form of reducing RF andEMI) so they use "Shielding"
to insulate (though shielding makes more of a sonic difference) that must be due to their using extremely thin wire and cheap connectors. Forgive me
if however, I have misinterpreted your meaning.
Spiro, There is absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind who have heard my
system concur IC insulation invariably imparts static into the signal. Bare
wire, or wire with just a thin sprayed coating don't. That is my system. The
Cardas was simply unlistenable. The Jena merely faired better.

Well shielded PCs are needed to defeat RFI emitted by the module. This RFI
will enter all other components that are not protected from it.

On the dielectric caused distortion, this may not be evident on some speaker
systems. If the preamp has excellent transparency as a great class D amp, a
very fine driver will pass the noise on. You can bank on it.