Whose got best class D at this point?

Bel Canto,PS Audio,Redwine what am I missing out there for either hi-effciency speakers like the Redwine Sig 30 (great review in 6moons and sounds like it would be great with Silverlines or my German horn Odeon Tosca's) or for current hungry speakers the PS GCA250 or Bel Canto 300.Think after years of onventional SS and tubes might want to take plunge but want guidepost to best bet for the money.
Just read a review at 6moons about a best of 2006 (or was it 2007) that is an Italian T amp manufacturer that has sm,all wood cube with a european roccoco type of cross or fleur or whatever that i find unique but hideous.but it is a quad channle that can be combined to two channel and puts out 120 watts with Battery feed (I think I remeber it being so-like the Redwine).Unfortunately it's not cheap being abouty price of two sets of redwine $3K 70 watt mono's.Also it seems that Larryx7 has come up with product that Vinnie at Redwine stopped making a modded Inpact T.I just wonder if the Trend put's out any more than the 6 eefective watts (after distortion iand other factors taken into conseideration the Impact and other 15 watt T's put out 6 watts meanning you need about about 8ohm's and 100 better 105.Might lite up some Zu speakers or a Klipsch and a very few others but it seems like it's nitch is in Apple Computers and other innexpensive consumer products and real world power is still expensive.Now if hey can make a 100 watts cost $500 with same sonic sttributes veryone talsk about we'd have a party!But I hope that in my main rig be it Class D,AB,A glass or module that I can affoird bedroom system of the Redwine 30 with it;'s own DACT and the modded Olive Muisc servers with HD's (and extra usb or thernet inputs),Wifi etc.Sounds like a nice sounding combo that can beam some tunes to a reciever mudule (maybe it works with Yamaha uits with small D units in them for muisc in the kitchen,bathrrom,or the closet (if you might be in one still).
I have a NuForce integrated with upgraded power supply (to 100 wpc) and upgraded to the V2 board. The V2 board appears to fix the RFI problem, which was very severe in my home. I had an early version of the integrated (I think) and when it was turned on, inexpensive FM radios were not usable for a radius far beyond 20 feet, more like 100 feet. Anyway, I think they made this better little by little over time in newer units, and with the V2 board I cannot detect any FM interference at all.

Also the V2 board does sound a little more extended on top and a little more detailed, while retaining the lovely liquid sound that NuForces seem to offer.

The combination of power upgrade and V2 board makes for a real nice sounding little power-house that is friendly to your neighbors FM radio (as far as I can tell).

I have had several chip amps including PS Audio, Nuforce, Trends, and just happened onto Channel Island VMB1 on audiogon with idea of a cheap second system. Boy was I surprised. I like it better that any of ones I have had. Go figure, only 40 watts but it sounds great.
Based on my experice with Bel Canto, Leviathon and Karma, the V2's of the NuForce amps have made a huge leap forward.

I have to say the Ref 9 SE V2 is one of the better amps I have every heard regardless of design.....
A couple of months ago I did a round of audition for amps to drive my Gallo Ref 3 II. I tried half a dozen of powerful amps in the $3,000-5,000 range, including the Bel Canto Ref 1000 (which I liked), but when I tried the NuForce SE9 v2 I immediately stopped searching: I found them head and shoulder above the competition and I brought them home