What are my options for voltage regulation?

I have a BPT-2 Ultra power conditioner that I am using in my living room system for all equipment. It handles everything pretty well. But I have a headphone amp from Germany (tubed) that is very sensitive to voltage anomalies, of which of course there are many at many different times of day. I have been doing some research into a power conditioner that provides voltage regulation and have read about the Monster, PS Audio (older and new Premier units), and, I think Exact Power units that can regulate voltage. Any opinions on these various units, or on others I don't know about? I guess I would sell my BPT Ultra if the voltage regulating unit can also condition power, but if there is a small unit with only one or two outlets that regulates voltage, that would be ideal. I haven't discovered any--have you?
I have not, Sarah- the Monster (AVS-2000) is a monster; think big heavy power amp size.
I have some issues in summer months when peak demand outstrips available power. This anomaly wreaks havoc on my preamp. I have an Exactpower EP15A power conditioner, and I love what it does to improve the sound of my system.. It is part regenerator and part power conditioner.

I have been considering an APC S 15 or S 20 for the preamp section. This unit contains a built in battery back up to maintain a 120 volt output. I am hoping that this supplements my power during peak usage hours.
Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to go with the PS Audio Premier, it's more compact than what I'm using now (BPT-2 Ultra--HEAVY at 60 lbs) and provides voltage regulation which is apparently what sent my tube headphone amp off into hummmmm-land. I found a dealer who will accept the BPT-2 in trade for the Premier. I wish there were something smaller but this is a lot smaller than the old PS Audio power regenerators.