Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3

Anyone do a detailed comparison of either. Anyone compare the VTL 7.5 Mk II to the ARC Ref 3?? Got the upgrade bug.

I will need a lot of time. Breakin & all. It is a preamp which is the biggest pain to do a comparison. I will report back in a long while.
For what it's worth, Richard Hardesty's Audio Perfectionist has just published an extensive comparative review of the VTL 7.5 v2, Esthetix Callisto Signature with twin external PS, and the ARC Ref 3. I do not have access to the complete article, but have been told Mr. Hardesty appears to have an overall preference for the Ref 3 over the other two devices. His final comment on the Ref 3 is:

“ I’ve heard preamps that have a little more of this and a little more of that. But none that’s as complete, top to bottom, or as satisfying in its presentation of the entire musical picture, weaving
each distinctive element of music into a coherent whole. The Ref 3 goes beyond hi-fi; it’s a 21
century classic from ARC.”

Haven't auditioned them myself but a user who has mentioned that although the Arc is excellent in many ways, it's noise floor remains tubey and was unacceptable to him in comparison to that in other pres like the VTL.