McIntosh Intergraded

What is the best sounding Mac intergraded out there? It can not be deeper then 14".
I have a 6200 and I would recommend it over the 6100. I'm not familiar with the Auditors, so I can't comment on compatibility. The 6200's Power Guard and 5 band EQ are worth any price difference that you'll come across between the two models. It's a very nice sounding amp. If you don't need a remote, and listen to LPs, it's even better.
Actually I was thinking to suggest you one of the Pathos integrated... but then i realize they don't have tone controls. I listen mostly soft rock/ jazz with your same system (Pathos + Auditor), but i know what you mean when you say that your music needs some " help", I tryed the Krell 400x with the Auditor and definitely it gives that "punch" I guess your looking for... the Krell is faster and with tighter bass then the Logos, but maybe a little more fatiguing to my ears after a while.
Give it a shot, you're not gonna waste your time.
Let me know your impressions.
Thanks I will check on the Krell.I don't think punch is what I am looking for when it comes to listening to 50's.The recordings back then sometimes need a little extra bass or treble nothing to extreme.I always wanted to try vintage Mac who knows I might not like it.
the '62 will do 100watts per at 4ohm. 75watts per at 8.
i use a 6200 for a preamp with an mc7150. it's a good combo but the 6200 can stand quite well on it's own. and i agree with the previous comment about the warmth on vinyl from the 62. remember, it was designed/mfg'd in the late 70's "pre-digital". your old record collection would just love an ma6200.