Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin


Talked to a dealer of linn and he proclamid that the solos where much superior to the klimax chakra twin.
Well he must say that bcause the cost twice as much.

However somthing that puzzels the solos are 8 year old amps and do not have the newest chakra teknologi
the chakra twin is a product from 2005 with the new chakra teknology.

Since i dont need brutal powwer for my higly efficent speaker wouldent the klimax chakra twin be the way to go ?

Thanks for the replays it sounds like for my application the klimax chakra twin sounds like the way to go.
Would still like to hear from people that have heard them side by side.

Enyway the chakra amps
have enyone compared them to the klimax twin chakra or the solos.

The chakra c2200 is the 200 watt mono amp.

I have infact heard the klimax chakra twin with unidisk 1.1 and unknown preamp and linn speakers.
i was no way nere as impressed as i was with the chakra amp and the unidisk sc and the cremonas as described above.

I know it was a different room diffrent speakers and so one
i also know now that 60% of the magic i heard was the cremonas thats why the are in my room know.

Should have the chakra 2200c on my list if soundkvality is more important then money ?

In my 2 cents, your Cremonas are already sweet sounding speakers, matching them with the Chakra Twin would give you even more sweetness and musicality, on the other hand, with the solos you would get extra speed, weight, and control. By direct comparison, the advantage of the solos would be more apparent, but it may not necessarily be the better choice.

In case you want more opinion, you may seek them on a Linn's forum:

Thanks for the link i have allready moved the questian over there.

The sound i heard with the cremonas and the chakra c2200 was not sweet as it many times is with other amps and the cremonas.

What i heard was somthing i have never heard before
very neutral and light at first .

What blew me away with that combo was that songs i have heard plenty of thimes started out soundig a littel as i recalled them but more emotinal and then out of nowhere when the music swiched in to Another gear (klimax) a massiv explosion of beatiful music and sounds came out at me in a way that left me speechless.

Many amps out there have a tendesi i think so sound dynamic all the time and even more tend to be bass heavy all the time thats a good thing when you listend to trash metal
But the chakra to my ears in that setup with the cremonas was xtremly neutral and light feeted when the music was but as describd above it pulls you in and blosoms when the music peaks .

Have enyone else had that experince wihe linn amps ?

Tda 2200,

I feel the same way as you do about Linn's amps, they are more about refinement than brute power, but when required, they provide the goods too. My Chakra Twin gives better control, and sounds more powerful than my previous amp of which rated at double the Twin's power on paper.

It would be interesting to see what you end up getting. Let us know if you will.

I will diffently report back with my findings.

Only thing that puzzels me, are there eny other of the newer swichmode amps that will sound like the klimax chakra? or is what i heard that day only possible with linn chakra power.

The nuforce REF SE amps and icepower amps i have heard diddent sound like the linn at all .

But it was in unknown setups with much different speakers.