Linn klimax solo vs klimax chakra twin


Talked to a dealer of linn and he proclamid that the solos where much superior to the klimax chakra twin.
Well he must say that bcause the cost twice as much.

However somthing that puzzels the solos are 8 year old amps and do not have the newest chakra teknologi
the chakra twin is a product from 2005 with the new chakra teknology.

Since i dont need brutal powwer for my higly efficent speaker wouldent the klimax chakra twin be the way to go ?

Hi jaf

Nope not yet long story but the willl ship proberly in the beginning of next week.

Good news im getting a pair that have been upgraded with the powersuplly that dossent run warm.

also orderd the silver interconnects with xlr connectors seemd like the right cable to get

What are you experince with the silver interconnects ?

Silver is a MUST, especially for Klimax Amps. very nice improvement over linn black. new they are 400usd i think, but second hand you can get a pr for half that, at most. look forward to your update
Hi jaf

With Cables my experices is that its balance you wandt
getting ultra expensiv cables made very littel difference in my system over solid cobber wires from tara labs in fact i truly liked the cheap cobber ones more.

So that is insuring to know that the are a must now that i have them in the box also.

Now the pair im getting have neutrik connectors for the speaker cables

How do this work do i need to get special cables ?

the neutrik connection is at the amp..speaker end of the cable is whatever you need it to be