VSA VR4 jr's with Bryston mono's?

Hi everyone,
I currently have a pair of VR4 jr's and a
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Pre. I am in the market for some new mono's. The Bryston 7B SST's have caught my eye but i am a little bit worried that they might be a little bit too much power for the Jr's. should i be concerned? I listen at very moderate volumes.
You can never have too much power... it's when an amplifier runs out of juice and clips that it damages your speakers..
Nice amp! I agree with Cyctocycle that clean power is usually never a problem except in a ridiculous mismatch. However, if you are looking for a significantly louder more dynamic sound then you won't get much extra by exceeding your speaker rating (300 Watts) - the speaker will limit itself anyway by compression from the small drivers as you exceed Xmax and the coils heat up. (Speakers have physical response limits even if they appear to handle more clean power)
Shadorne, you say unless it is a ridiculous mismatch? what would you consider a mismatch? the bryston mono's would be putting out around 750 watts due to the 6 ohm average of the Schweikerts. As i said before i dont listen to music too loud. I just want to make sure i wont be hurting anything.