Recommended one make systems?

Man, do I love music! I am so thankful to have grown up in the South were just about everyone plays an instrument or sings. Being a part of those Saturday evening pack porch picking sessions, Sunday morning worship services, riverbank practice sessions...whatever....really ingrained a deep reverence and appreciation of music. Anyway, on to adulthood and only having time to myself late in the evenings to enjoy music. My present system just does not have the presence that live music has. But, then again, does anything?

What one make system really makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up? What gets your toes tapping? What stirs your soul? I've read tons of reviews from noted reviewers, but how do these one make systems compare in real life? I think I would like to try the Quad 909/99 CD-P2, Krell 400xi/SACD Standard, NAD M3/M5, NAIM NAIT 5i/CD5i, Ayre AX-7e/CX-7e or maybe even the Cambridge 840A/840C. Which systems have I missed that are head and shoulders above these? Granted, these would have to be used to fit my budget, but I am a patient man.
My present speakers are Quad 21L's, which may need replacing to bring out the beauty of these systems. Care to share your thoughts?

WOW!!! Thanks so much for all the great information and suggestions. My reasoning (please remember that this is only my second attemp at putting together a musical system) for a one make system is that I would hope that there would be synergy created by the designer/designers of each brand. I certainly hope that brand X uses their own CD players to test and voice their preamps/amps, speakers, etc. Maybe this isn't the case and I'm just naive. But, and again this may be my naivity, just because CD player Y is rated at 5 stars and integrated Z is also rated at 5 stars, do they work together in a musically pleasing manner? Also, I should have been clearer in my initial post in that I am seeking a CD source and preamp/amp or integrated amp only. No turntables.....yet, no subs and definitely no tuner. Just a CD based system. And I know that only a few manufacturers produce their own cabling and ICs, so that would have to come from elsewhere (which is another debate altogether). So, with the clarifications, which CD/Preamp/Amp or integrated (SS or tube, either can be great) one make systems are available that are musically and emotional with their delivery? Thanks again for the great recommendations. I've really got some homework to do, but this is fun! I may give the Quad 99 CDP2/909 a shot first and go from there.
Odysseay is one comapny offering reasonably priced systems (that's source - amplification - spkrs; everything). I listened to one of these and was favourably impressed but can't remember any model number. It wasn't very expensive, though.
Being half-facetious... Jadis makes (or made) everything you need (except turntables). And the current North American distributor makes cables to boot...

I have heard good one-make systems from McIntosh (except CDP), Linn, Meridian, MBL, and recently Jadis and have had the experience range from being pleasantly surprised to being highly envious by all of them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the question. One thing to note: if buying used, one is much more highly dependent on the after-market service policy offered to a second owner. Some makers are not second-owner friendly, some are. With one brand only, there is much more of a risk in getting that part wrong.
The Krell SACD Standard/KAV-400xi is a tough 2-box fully-balanced system to beat at $6,500-with 5-years warranty. My other suggestion would be Musical Fidelity (SACD/Int. Amp.), but at a much higher price.