Hi Bob, if you're using a VU meter, the thing to do is to calibrate it against the load you're using- in this case your 4 ohm speakers. To do that you'll have to measure the output voltage of the amp and then calculate the current to then get to the power level. Then, using a variable resistance, set the level of the meter to a point that makes sense for you- for example 0VU = 100 watts, so +3db will then be 200 watts. That way you will have a nice relative level for your speakers. It won't be completely accurate, but it will be close.
BTW, yes, I do have a couple of Laverdas that are both riders, a '73 SF2 and a '79 Jarama (3CL).
BTW, yes, I do have a couple of Laverdas that are both riders, a '73 SF2 and a '79 Jarama (3CL).