while waiting on a preamp for my DEFY 7/6550's

The pre will arrive in 2 weeks. So i decided to pull 4 of the 6550's in the Defy and swap out the KT90's in the JOR. Man I sure hope the Defy does not sound like the JOR with 6550's. Because if it does I'm not going to like the Defy with 6550's for my classical. Way too tubey and bloated, all the fine definition and sparkle from the KT90's was gone. I guess I'm going to need to buy ...12 Czech KT90's. Gonna cost me a bundle. Any suggestions?
If you hate 6550's compared to KT90's you're really going to hate EL34's. Compared to 6550's they are a warmer, 'mid-range magic' tube. Sounds nothing like the KT90 or 6550. Beleive it or not the 6550 (SED's anyway) is much closer to the KT90 and any of the other popular power tubes. Better do your homework before you jump off that bridge.
well maybe the JOR is not biased to the 6550 and thats why it sounded off. Hopefully as you say the 6550 can "pull off" big orchestra as I like it. The KT90's are a tad hard edged. But I like bass/mids/highs separation that the 90 offers. . The pre arrives in 2 weeks. I'm not sure how I can tell what component is doing what. IOW if there is something i don't like with the image, how can i tell if the issue is more with the pre or the 6550's in the Defy....I'll have my friend who knows his stuff come over and give a critque. Hopefully all will go well....
You are going to have to spend a bundle on Czech KT90 tubes. Personally, I've never seen a Czech KT90...

On a more serious note, tubes are made in Slovakia, not the Czech Republic. Ei KT90 tubes were produced in the former Yugoslavia, prior to the 1998 NATO bombing campaign. Not sure how the KT90 of today sound, as I haven't heard any.

To my ear, the 6550 is one of the most "untubelike" tube I can think of. I really find them flat and dead sounding. I do agree about the lack of resolution in general, but that also sounds like the amp is not working properly. The first two questions I must ask are, did you measure the tubes, and did you rebias the amplifier? Without knowing the answer to either of these questions, you're wasting your time by trying to draw any conclusions.

You must listen to The Doctor's (Mechans) advice. Unless you bought a Jadis new, or can verify its history with absolute confidence, you simply must presume it has been modified in some way that will totally and completely destroy the sonics. Until and unless you send it in to be gone over, forget about evaluating anything in regards to what it does or does not do. Yes, this is not going to be cheap. The shipping alone is going to be a bear. But, these products have literally been savaged over the years, and must be put back the way they were originally. Forget about whether it looks bone stock or not, without the schematic and the ability to check the voltages throughout the unit, you'll never know.

Personally, The Doctor and I have found the JJ E34L sounds best in a Jadis. For more bass, try a JJ KT77, but you'll give up a bit of the best midrange around. If you must have powerful bass with the midrange magic of the E34L, roll the 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes, the 12AX7 being most important.

Not sure what the shape of a tube has to do with anything beyond having them fit or not fit into a component - not an issue with a Defy 7.
Joe, I'm looking into the Telsa EL34's, the ones you suggested to me last yr for my JOR. Correct I did not bias the JOR to the 6550's. I just simply took 4 of the 6550's out the Defy and pluged them into the JOR to get a idea of what i'm in for.
"most unlike tube sound...flat and dead sounding" Pretty much what comes across with the 6550's in the JOR. Not sure if I should listen to newbee or your suggestion to try the EL34's. The only reason I bought the Defy is to have what the JOR delivers but with more power. I was not aware that I would have trouble finding the Ei KT90's if I wanted to roll tubes.
FWIW, In my post I made NO recommendations, just gave you some info to consider before you commit yourself to tube selection or amp modifications.

FWIW, from your comments about the sounds you want from a tube amp, including your selection of small tubes (Sovtek 6922's) and KT90's, I have no confidence that you will ever like the sound of EL34's or E34L's, much as I agree with Joe about thier sound quality (I find they can produce a very crystaline, crisp tone, a sound which many would admire). Some how I expect that you would not enjoy the sound of an amp that either Joe (forgive me Joe for being presumptive) or I would chose. That is why I made no recommendations

I use EL34's, 6550's and KT88's in amps successfully, to my ears at least. The one tube whose sonic signature I don't like is the KT90 (and I have amps designed for them with their original EI KT90's essentially unused.)

BTW, you didn't mention the brand or age of the 6550's you used, but there is a fair difference in the sonics of the brands. Some are warmer, some are brighter, etc. Perhaps that is also an issue for you to consider in making a selection, and as Joe suggests this character can be changed by appropriate small tube selection.

There are a lot of ways to skin this cat...........