Yep. A whole lot of folks are asking too much for some very ordinary stuff. But, if you are tying to sell a high quality, expense, product admired by many but affordable to few you can't expect to sell if at a fair price in a short period of time. You might have to list it several times until a willing buyer appears. When the sellers patience expires he'll lower his price.
If I wanted such a piece of stuff I would E-mail the seller and explain to him that while I considered his asking price too high that I wanted to buy the item and if he ever revalued it to let me know.
You never know, nothing ventured nothing gained.
If I wanted such a piece of stuff I would E-mail the seller and explain to him that while I considered his asking price too high that I wanted to buy the item and if he ever revalued it to let me know.
You never know, nothing ventured nothing gained.