Best integrated for rock music under $1,500?

I'm currently seeking the best integrated amp for playing rock music that I can find for under $1,500 (although I'd really like to find something under $1,000, if at all possible!). The speakers I will be using will likely be PSBs - either the B25 or the M2. The "rock" in question is mostly late '60s/early '70s (e.g. Hendrix, Cream, Byrds, CSNY, Zeppelin, etc.), although I must say I also play some Jazz, Country and Classical as well! In any case, I want an amp that will keep up well with fast-paced stuff and give it some air, vitality and detail in the process.

From everything I've read online so far, I'm considering a Musical Fidelity 3.2 or a Creek 5350SE, although I'm also tempted to go low-budget with the NAD c 352. What do you all think?
Yes Sansuis are truly fine amps. They are usually old and could be improved if the caps are replaced etc. However if you have any doubt look at fleabay for the BA 2000 or 3000 these are the straight power amps same vintage as the AU series even the CA preamps fetch some money.
While I own Musical Fidelity gear, might I suggest a Krell 400xi integrated - about $1500 if you shop, tons of power for future upgrade possibilties, XLR outs, and ridiculous build quality. Good luck.
naim makes fine integrated amps that pair well with psb speakers, my all naim system sounds great with my psb gold stratus i and alphas.
The Bryston B-60 is fast and features a high quality build...about $1,100 on the 'Gon. If you are into tubes, the vintage Scotts are hard to be and a 222 or 299 goes between $400-$600.
Am I missing something here. I always considered makes like Sansui, Pioneer, JVC in a rather low fi league. Is there a sansui line that is a bit higher in terms of sound quality? You can get a nice DK Design Mk2 for $1500 used that should blow away any Sansui, or NAD unit. I heard one on Rock music and feel that it is a great fit. Nice, punchy clean sound...