Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
Service manager said 2 weeks or less. Simple fix 4 weeks. Not acceptable. If i pulled something like that where I work id be out the door. Krell does good work as they should.Ive spent upwards of 20K there. People there are very professional.
I have several horror stories as well.When i think of audio research, I think of 2000 service bills for tube amps.
I have had to send my KCT pre-amp back for repairs and my KPS-28c several months later. I wish they never needed repairs, but they did. The service department fixed them for me and so I am happy. Maybe they could have done it faster, or paid for my shipping costs, but still I am happy that they are working perfect now.
I find it comical that you pay top dollar for Krell, and when you call you get snobby attitude (Jim Ludivichino) and slow service. Probably trickles down from the owner DD who is not quite the nicest guy in town...Paaaaaaaalease. To pay Krell prices the service should be superb. I am finding this to be a problem with VTL too, although they aren't nearly as big as Krell. Go figure, they all overcharge and under deliver.

Maybe thats why our hobby is so uninteresting to most people. a shame
Perhaps you are correct about Dan Agostino!I never met or talked to him,so I can't confirm your findings.I got an
md-1 and sbp-64x and I called and talked to Patrick and he was very helpful and nice on the phone.He left a few phone messages at my place,while at work too.I can't argue with the other guys regarding Patrick at least.
I am sorry to hear your problems with Krel or VTL.One company that delivers in spades is Rogue and Mark O'Brien
the owner.I own their amps and every time I called I was treated super nice.I also had a positive experience with ARC,regarding a repair and retubing on my Dac-3.
I live in the area. Those guys are great. they let me drop off my amp in the morning, then jump back on the highway for work. The amp has been in for service twice and always it was back in a week/ten days, repaired under warranty, then shipped at their cost. One time I picked the amp up and they helped me load it in the wagon and away I went. They could not be nicer. And I just picked up a new EVO 402 with the trade in program and the sound is unlike any previous Krell amp. It sure was a VERY BIG upgrade from the previous amp, a 400cx.