Looking for a summer time amp

I own and enjoy my BAT VK60.
Except in the summer time.
I am looking for a SS amp that won't throw off that volume of heat.
Presently running a pair of Cremona Auditors.
Suggestions please.
Something so I won't miss the BAT to much.
Lets say a 2K budget.
Just have the red wine a little much for summer but if you drink a bottle or more the heat won't trouble you.
(disclaimer N.B. The above is humor not advice)
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i concur with Red Wine Audio Sig 30.Running one right now.Have Wright 3.5's as well and they are idle at the moment but will put them back in eventually to hear the difference.VERY much enjoying the RWA Sig 30 the past 4 months!! I have no air conditioning and live in PA so those SET amps were a tad much in the heat of the summer for sure.The Sig 30 is very close to the Wright's in holography and imaging and warmth(with a decent tube preamp in front of it) after sufficient burn in.Love the Wrights however and doubt i will part with them anytime soon.Nor the RWA Sig 30