Krell FBP vs Parasound JC1

I have a pair of Magnepan 1.6r's and will be adding Infinity MTS as well. I may get some Magnepan 3.6r to replace my 1.6qr's later. Does anyone have some insight as to how these different amps compare.

Thanks all,
Patrickp: Just saw your thread today. For what it's worth, I drive Maggie 3.5s with fpb 350 monos and am very pleased with the results. (just got a pair of 20.1s and will still use the 350's) Also, I drive a smaller pair of rear Maggies with fpb 250's. The center MMCC3 and sub are driven with a Krell KSA 150 - all with good results. I do bi-wire the fronts. Probably by now you have made your decision and your purchase - just thought I'd stick in my two cents worth. Puerto
JC-1 are finicky about the AC power and speakers they drive. FPB is a safe bet.
> JC-1 are finicky about the AC power and speakers they drive.

This statement is completely contrary to my own experience. They drove my (extremely difficult load) SoundLabs very well indeed. Not sure where this impression comes from, and it's the first statement of its type that I've seen. Can't comment on the Krells.
I have owned the JC-1s (not finicky at all) and now use the Krell FPB 650M monoblocks. The Krells are a little darker sounding overall than the JC-1s. Maybe a little more high freq. detail with the JC-1s. But the Krells are smoother and more musical. As powerful and dynamic as the JC-1s are they cannot compete with the Krells. Both are good amps and I could live with either, but I prefer the Krells with my Thiels.