The passing of Marianne Barber of Joule Electra

Many of you have had the pleasure of speaking with Marianne Barber when contacting Joule Electra. Unfortunately she passed away this past Sunday. Details available here:

She will be missed by all of us that had the pleasure of knowing her. A very sad and deep loss for Jud.
Jud and Marianne are such kind and gentle souls. My deepest sympathy to Jud and his family. Jeff
Marianne was the soul and inspiration of Joule-Electra and so shall she be forever. She will always be with us. She is in the music of our lives.

With Deepest Respect,

Joe Lavrencik
I met and became friends with Jud nearly 20 years ago. Not long after that I met Marianne and was welcomed into their home. Through the years, I was fortunate to see her many times, either in North Augusta or Las Vegas (CES). Marianne was one of those rare persons who just about everyone instantly liked. That was because she gave what she received, an honest, open-hearted caring about those who entered her life. Just read the responses from those who only met her through one or two phone conversations. As I suggested in another venue, Marianne was like a mother hen, ready to draw her family and friends alike in under her wings.

So as we remember Marianne, let us also remember Jud in this time of tremendous loss. Carry on good buddy with the undying love of a wonderful wife/partner and the empathy and support of more people than you'll ever know.
In 1964, I was working for a chemical company in Augusta Ga. when a young Chemical Engineer came to work at the company. That young engineer was Jud Barber. A fast friendship soon formed between us and we have remained best friends for 43 years. In 1977 Jud married Marianne and this started one of the greatest love affairs ever witnessed.
My wife and I live only 55 miles from Jud and over the years the four of us became family. My wife and I share Jud's grief over the untimely loss of a beautiful, joyful, and lovely lady in every respect.Not only has the Audio world lost a wonderful person and friend, but those of us who knew her personnaly for these many years ,not only feel a great loss, but at the same time we cherish the wonderful memories of shared times together. Marianne will be greatly missed.