Your Fav EL34 and why?

I am looking for some info on the EL34 tube and it's various makers, mostly current ones, but input on previous itterations of these tubes which fall into the NOS cat are quite welcome and would add some contrast.

I'm assuming like all tubes that the EL 34 tubes sonic sigs vary dependant upon manufacturer and era, as do so many other tube types.

What is your experience with this EL34 TYPE, and why did you select the one (s) you use now?

As always - Thanks so very much.

Thanks so much for the input.

I'll have to look into the JJ thing you mentioned, and surely talk to Gary as to the little tubes. I'm getting two types so I'll have a ball right off figuring what goes with waht best and go from there.

All the little ones are just numbered. 7119, 53?? etc. Ain't even sure who made 'em. By Friday night I'll know who's name is on 'em.

K.D. has lived without my money this far and that will likely continue. I'll never deal with anyone who maintains two price lines for previous and new customers for the exact same thing. Just a matter of principle I suppose.

That statement just says I don't need the business. Fine by me. It's uncouciunable to me to turn away business, or charge an added "admission fee" for the experience. Personally, I do not feel oblidged to pay extra, my ego is satisfied with the likes of others, it has no 'groupie' fascination.

However,I do sincerely appreciate the info on the sonics of the SED and JJ... and the JJ possible caveat. Thanks.

Any other EL 34 resources out there? Anyone?
I'm a current Dodd Owner and have tried various el34's.

So far I prefer the the Winged C by a smidge
I have put an order in for some KT77 - I'm interested in hearing how these fair in comparison.

Thank you.

Looks like the SED wings have the nod. I too am interested in what you come up with on the KT77's. Please do follow up.

BTW where do you source your tubes from? Satisfied with the level of service?
I have used the jj e34l and thought it was a great tube with my mv-52. I bought an mv-55 which came with the new mullard russian reissues and thought they were much more detailed extended top to bottom and had a smooth and neutral midrange. I heard so much about the winged c's I ordered a quad and think they have a bloomier midrange and sound great but the mullards are more coherent and detailed. just my 2 cents.
Mullard re-issues? Russian?

WEll it's for sure I'm gonna have to get another set of 'em. Now which brand seems more the question. Likely the more balanced and transparent. Which for me is quite a statement all by itself.

Is good bottom end a given with EL 34s???

The SED C EL's do have a good amount of bass production going on in my system. other brands probably possess more though, would be my guess. Obtaining a phat mid usually costs something elsewhere.