Nuforce v2: has anyone tried them

The new version of the Nuforce should have hit the shops a few weeks ago.
Has anyone heard them or upgrated their existing units.
I would be particoularly interested in comparisons within the range of the new v2: 9SE compared to 9 or to 8.
I am going to audition a 9SE v2 in a couple of days, but won't be able to try the others
I got my integrated upgraded twice: first to the 100wpc, then to the v2. The power upgrade added liveliness and a little more muscle. The V2 solved the RFI problem, and added extension on top and speed top to bottom, without compromising the natural and liquid sound of the unit. Seems like a home run to me.
I've had my 9SE V2's for about a week now. To my ears the V2 has more extended, tighter, and more articulate bass. It has better instrumental focus/clarity from top to bottom.

It seems more transparent and detailed than the V1. And the highs are airy and extended -- but perhaps more importantly, the highs are now silky smooth. By comparison, the original version had a mild grainy quality.

I think the V2 actually sounds a little tubey in the midrange. By that I mean I hear more inflection on vocals and more nuance on guitars and other midrange instruments.

Who knows, they may sound even better as they continue to break in. And if not, I'm quite happy with their current level of performance.
Plato, What about the little clicky sound at power up, still there? Have you been under the hood yet? I'm guessing they got rid of the resistors across the terminals. Wish you were near by, a direct compassion would be interesting.

The click upon power-up is gone. History.

The volume control is still slow. I think there are remote key combinations that speed up the volume control but I've not figured that out yet.


The turn-on/off relays have a minor low-level click to them if that is what you mean -- but it's so low in level that I can't see anyone objecting to it. Since you own the 9SE's already, the upgrade to V2 is highly recommended. Jason at NuForce believes that the standard Ref 9 V2 sounds better than the original Ref 9SE, FWIW.

NuForce is using a Zobel network on the outputs now that shouldn't be tampered with, but seems to work much better than the old parallel capacitor.