Wood v. Metal for stands. Is there a clear winner?

I'm pretty sure there is no clear cut answer. however I thought to inquire as to what most sound junkies dig best. Metal stands and racks, OR wooden products? Or a combination of the two?

My own needs revolve about a floor which is not on a solid foundation, a thin wallet, and the desire to not compromise things entirely by being cheap. so spending some in the right areas seems the right thing for me.

But items like the Isis, Pagote, Particular, and those of that 4 digit ilk are likely past me.

I'm torn between a couple wooden amp stands, in addition to the Solidsteel 5.2 or 6.2 (in pairs) to hold rotating junk on one, and preamp and DAC on the other... or is that idea overkill?

All experiences and thoughts are most welcome... and needed.

There simply must be a solidly senseible solution which doesn't bust the bank but sure holds it's own against heftier competition.

Thanks in advance.

what about this... "FILLING HOLLOW RACKS"..... should we, OR should we not... it naturally follows then if so, WITH WHAT?

my thinnking is to deplete or emilinate resonances. rings, plinks, and such.

True or false?
I've had good results filling hollow rack legs with a variety of materials: lead shot, fine sand, kitty litter, and even combinations of kitty litter and lead. This is somewhat of an experimental process that you can play around with and fine tune. My next project will involve using Star Sound Technology micro bearing material. I have a Sistrum amp stand and the legs are filled with this. I've also wanted to try filling hollow rack legs with epoxy. In any case I'd recommend filling hollow rack legs, if anything it adds additional mass and from my experiences does help eliminate resonances.
pulling off the end caps from the sides of the uprights on my rack, there is no vacuous opening to be filled.

Sound Anchor fixed that issue.... only area open is to I suppose add a locking/adjust nut to the top of ??? spike is used... just a couple cubic inches in there.

sorry... I mentioned that in another thread on to spike or not to...

thanks Cleo09 though anyways.
No problem. I have Sound Anchor speaker stands for my Spendors and I believe they are filled with epoxy or some other material. Great stands.