Wood v. Metal for stands. Is there a clear winner?

I'm pretty sure there is no clear cut answer. however I thought to inquire as to what most sound junkies dig best. Metal stands and racks, OR wooden products? Or a combination of the two?

My own needs revolve about a floor which is not on a solid foundation, a thin wallet, and the desire to not compromise things entirely by being cheap. so spending some in the right areas seems the right thing for me.

But items like the Isis, Pagote, Particular, and those of that 4 digit ilk are likely past me.

I'm torn between a couple wooden amp stands, in addition to the Solidsteel 5.2 or 6.2 (in pairs) to hold rotating junk on one, and preamp and DAC on the other... or is that idea overkill?

All experiences and thoughts are most welcome... and needed.

There simply must be a solidly senseible solution which doesn't bust the bank but sure holds it's own against heftier competition.

Thanks in advance.
No problem. I have Sound Anchor speaker stands for my Spendors and I believe they are filled with epoxy or some other material. Great stands.
Now that all the gear (mostly) is onto the SA rack... I have to admit there is indeed a positive change in system performance, bass impact & resolution, and inaging were the more noteable improvements.

Wood does have it's merits too, as the addition of wood shelves has added a touch of warmth and naturalness simply by placing one here and there, onto the existing SA shelving. having some cut to fit and replace the nylon supplied shelves will I bet, add still more to the overall performance.
I went DIY. Built my table for pre and cdp out of three pieces of 3/4" MD fiberboard glued, attached to 4x4 pine legs. Legs rest on rubber/cork anti-vibration blocks. Amp rests on a similar but separate MD platform resting on MD feet cut from the same platform. Seems to work fine but ain't light. Pre and cdp use cones that rest on cut pieces of the anti vibe blocks. dave

Good for you.

I think sometimes, the stands are not unlike wires. It's all about the fit with respect to the rest of the gear and environment. In my case, mucho mass works well..