Stand-alone phono amps?

I'm (still) trying to set up a vinyl only system for my second rig and was wondering if there are any stand-alone phono amps like the Counterpoint SA-9. It seems like they would be more bang for the buck since they wouldn't use a line stage as in an integrated.

What's out there?
The Manley Steelhead is a very flexible phono amp that can switch to a line level input when desired. Sonically, I would characterize it as having quiet backgrounds and colorful dynamics.
Your correct that a "stand-alone" phono preamp, which used to be known as a "preamp", before the rise of CD and the (temporary) eclipse of vinyl, gives most bang for the buck. Not only are the phono and linestages on one chassis, but also you don't have to buy and/or fret about an IC to connect them. I wouldn't do it any other way. You mention the Counterpoint SA9, but in fact I always thought that was a phono stage designed to be used with the SA11. Perhaps it does have a volume control but it may not have enough hi-level inputs to do the trick. Nevertheless, there are many, many excellent full-function preamps to choose from, both tube and ss types, starting with Ayre and perhaps not even ending with Zanden (if you can afford it). I use an Atma-sphere MP1 (which I now see would alphabetically precede Ayre) and love it. The full function preamp has made a major comeback in recent years due to the uptick in interest in vinyl.
A "stand alone" phono preamp would presumably have no inputs other than for phono, as distinct from a "full feature" preamp, which, unlike a "line stage" one, would have provision for phono along with other inputs for CD, AM/FM tuner, and so on. An integrated amp would add a power amp to all this. There are dozens of "stand alone" phono preamps, some with and some without a volume control, which will be needed if the phono preamp goes straight (except for the volume control) into a power amp. I use "stand alone" phono preamps with (to control volume) so-called "passive preamps"--a misnomer, as often noted, since they don't amplify. I'm one of those who prefer the transparency and immediacy of a good passive to the seductive additions of even the best active preamps--for example, the CAT SL-1 Signature I used to own. Passives can use potentiometers but most would agree that the best use rotary switches and resistors in a "true ladder" configuration. is a great website for learning about several types of resistor-based passives, while at least used to offer the makings for a transformer-based passive that some prefer. I've made both types and like the transformer-based type even better than two "true ladder" types I've built, one using Holco resistors, the other Audio Note Japan tantalum resistors. I like all three of them better than any active preamp I've ever heard; others disagree.