Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??
In short the Ref 9 V2 out performs the Ref 9 SE....
I get that, but I'm asking a different question. Does the Ref 9SE V2 outperform the Ref 9 V2? I assume yes, but my guess is not by much. Am I correct?
guidocorona i dont know it. but i am sure if you email jason at nuforce he will be glad to give you any info you require. here is a link.
For upgrade questions, email
The Ref 9 SE V2 out performs the Ref 9 V2 by a significant margin, this whole thread was initiated after listing to the Ref 9 SE V2 (and reviewing the Ref 9 V2). While I was very very impressed with the Ref 9 was the SE V2 that compelled me to make the claims as I did.

Thanks, my bad. Am reading too many of thsee threads and getting confused. You postscript makes me want to send my 9SE's off for upgrade today!