By the time you pay for all of the well-timed upgrades plus shipping you probably do have an amp that costs $10,000. Pretty clever marketing.
So, Mr. Audiooracle, why not go ahead and tell us? What's the harm? I mean, you're the one who brought this up. You had to know people would wonder. If you just got carried away and exaggerated a bit, that's OK, too. But a lot of us want to know. A bunch of us may decide to buy a NuForce amp for ourselves!
So, Mr. Audiooracle, why not go ahead and tell us? What's the harm? I mean, you're the one who brought this up. You had to know people would wonder. If you just got carried away and exaggerated a bit, that's OK, too. But a lot of us want to know. A bunch of us may decide to buy a NuForce amp for ourselves!