9rw, let's start at the very beginning of this thread. From the beginning I've already asked you numerous times to provide specific about what you heard with the Nuforce amps and each time you refused to answer. So let's try this once again and hopefully everybody else will take note.
Please state when and where you heard these amplifiers, who loaned the amps to you and please also describe in detail what you heard.
Based on your responses to me (always ignoring the more generic version of that question) and your subsequent responses to others you've given every indication you've never heard these amps. Yet, you seem to have no problem defaming them with your imaginary claims along with your silly hyperbolic exaggerations.
Even if per chance you heard these amps, if you had issues in the highs as you claimed, the first question I would have asked you is what were you using for line conditioners.
But since you admit you care little about the sonic harm induced by time-smear in cables, improper or no line conditioning, and improper or no vibration mgmt because according to you your time-aligned and phase coherent speakers do an excellent job substituting for these otherwise unrelated deficiencies, that question would have been moot.
Certainly one of the more unbright statements I've heard in this forum.
But please don't even bother responding to the bottom half of this post if you won't respond to the first half.