Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??

>>After a few days under my amps belt i am glad i went with v2 upgrade, a no brainer for sure.<<

I second that!! I don't have the SEs, I have the Ref 9s, and they are wonderful sounding amps. The upgrade was indeed a NO BRAINER. While everyone else is debating about the merits of Class D amps and Nuforce's continuous upgrades, I am enjoying music like never before!

I personally believe that any company who rests on their laurels and stops innovating is dead in the water. The name of the game for any technology company is "Innovate Or Die". And the fact that Nuforce is offering its customers an upgrade path to their latest innovations is a tremendous service.
Hello Ggil, yes these little brutes are a super vehicle to get to musical nirvana. I was up till late last night playing lp after lp. I have a good selection of my favorite music, classic rock and roll. A few of Tom Ports hot stamper lps Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon, Santanas Greatest hits, along with other great sounding lps. My musical enjoyment was fulfilled to the max.
Ggil and Stltrains, beyond the transparency these amps can produce did they add some bloom to the mids or give them some texture that they are missing? The amps are good and they do sound nice but after an A/B with some Linn Klouts they did lack in musicality or texture of the instruments. There was a significant difference in how horns and vocals were produced. Great size on the Nuforce and smooth but lacked the realism. It also seems to me that a tubed pre could be a very good choice. Can you leave the new amps on all the time and just turn off the tubed pre?
Jp1208 in my system the new addition of V2 hasn't changed the sound of instruments that i was hearing with ref9-SE, just added to the air around them. Along with less distortion better attack and decay of notes. It may be a little early to get a true appraisal yet. I have a piano in my rather large den slash music room and when playing the real piano and then listening to my system, Elton Johns piano comes through rather close to the real thing. I consider when it comes to timber of instruments and voice there is so much to take into account for what we assume is missing. We all are trying to get that real sound, and i don't think its possible to get the true absolute sounds of voices and instruments.
In the end though, satisfaction from our gear is achieved through musical enjoyment.
I leave my amps on all of the time. no problem at all.
Jp1208, when I originally compared the Nuforce Ref 9s to my ARC VT100MKII, there were many characteristics of the Nuforce amps that I liked better than the ARC, including transparency, dynamics, bass extension and control, mids, highs, etc. I've never had an issue with lack of bloom or texture previously with the ARC or the Nuforce. However, before I upgraded to the V2s, on a few piano recordings, I did get a sense of sterility in the mids, even some harshness. But since the upgrade, that is completely gone. Those same piano recordings sound incredible. As far as adding bloom, I would say since the upgrade to the V2s, mids are much more natural sounding than before, but I don't know if anything is added. The way I would characterize the Nuforce now is almost like a crystal clear window into the recording. Whatever my CD player plays, I hear. That includes both good and bad in the recordings. If you have a great front-end, you'll hear every nuance of the recording with the Nuforce amps. As far as the heat goes, I don't notice the amps being any hotter than before the upgrade, but the SEs might be different.