Audible Illusions Modulous 3A & L2 Line Stage User


Would like some response/thought on expereince/sound from the owners/users of these 2 AI Pre models with their respective components/systems. Am interested as am looking for a rvery good affordable Pre, & the word[reviews]on these products is really good & possibly in the market for one

Thx ...

Regrds T@CC
L-2 has much better control on Volume level, this is a ISSUE for audible illusions units
Had the 3A once upon a time. Sound was ok. Not enough detail and air for me. Didn't want to try rolling tubes because not having a remote was driving this lazy audiophile crazy.

You will want to do some research on AI customer service. It has a reputation for being some of the worst in the industry. If you don't have a local repair shop that would fix an AI unit, I would not buy one.

Baring the known deficiencies, these are wonderful sounding preamps. But you do need to consider the synergy with the rest of your setup, and adjust accordingly.

I have AI Mod3a (with a custom 17” silver faceplate) that I’ve grown very fond of. I’m using Russian military grade (ultra low noise) tubes with dampeners. (They last for ever.) I’m also using an after market Prelude power cord.

All I can say is the sound is phenomenal…very full soundstage, clean highs, and tight lows, with nothing added. My AI has become the center point of a system that I consider to be final.

I’m using the following inputs:

I use an older VPI Aries with a Rega RB300 arm and incognito wiring, with aVPI SDS. I’m in between cartridges at this time… The moving magnet phono section of the AI is very good, although I only have limited experience with other phono preamps. I will admit I’ve been startled at times thinking someone was in the room when in fact it the realism of the vinyl.

I’m using a Wadia 830 (modified by GNS), plugged into the tape monitor input. Besides sounding great the Wadia’s volume control provides the flexibility needed for micro adjustments to the dual volume controls (and high output) of the AI. Additionally the Wadia’s digital inputs allow me to run the audio from my digital cable box and DVD player (Oppo 970) into the AI.

FM Radio
Remember the days of wireless…. Here too I’ve got a unit with a variable output (controlled by the volume knob) to make micro volume adjustments. Plus the McIntosh MR77 (w/mods) sound real sweet.

I use a Logitech “Wireless Music System” to stream from my PC to the preamp. (“Music that matters”, Thank you Seattle). I’ve also got a cradle for the ipod feeding into the mod3a as well.

For amplification I’ve got the Mod3a feeding into a McIntosh MC402 (a new classic), which in turn drives Dynaudio Special 25’s. (For two channel home theater I’ve added Dynaudio’s Sub250 for that “kick you back into your chair” feeling.) Also I highly recommend using Discovery interconnects with your AI.

All-in-all, despite all the (well deserved) bad press the company gets, the AI Mod3a is still a great value for the money and can be the cornerstone of a darn good (if not reference) stereo.

Good Luck
While I respect Hiend2 and Eldarado on most AGon forum references, I have to disagree with them this time around.

I have the large stepped attenuators which are easily dealt with AND I had to contact AI service for brass screws which I had misplaced from tube rolling. The AI service assistant mailed them for free within days.

IMPORTANT: Do not use this pre-amp with the supplied Sovtek tubes. Anything you replace them with will sound thousands of times better. Even a donkey. (Perhaps this was Eldorado's "sound was ok" problem).

Also, do NOT ever turn this pre-amp off. The tubes definitely last forever by having them constatly warm. I'm talking 4 yrs my Cca's have been running like new. I can't explain it.