C-J confusion.

What is the current SOTA C-J preamp? Is it the ART III or the Act 2 Mk2?

'ART' is an acronym for Anniversary Reference Triode while 'ACT' stands for Advanced Composite Triode.

True to its name, the C-J ART III commemorates Conrad-Johnson's Thirty Year Anniversary. It is an all-out cost-be-damned assault on the state of the art. Only 25 ART IIIs will be made at $25k each, versus 250 limited edition prior release ARTs, version one of which was issued in 1997 on C-Js Twentieth Anniversary at a cost of $16k. All ARTs subsequent to the original and all ACT2s - nay, all Premier level C-J preamps following the first ART (Premiers 16,17, and CT5) - are inheritors of C-Js seminal composite triode circuit design. The ACT2 ($13.5k), ACT2.2 ($16.5k), and ART III reveal ever increasing use of C-Js own very expensive Teflon capacitors.

Downunder and I have a running disagreement about the ACT series as he prefers a sound warmer than neutral. I'll defer you to both my own and Roy Gregory's HiFi+ reviews of versions of the ACT2 for a thorough accounting. The ACT2 and 2.2 are advancements in virtually all respects (internal componentry and sonics) to the original ART although there is a difference in their harmonic balance relative to the yin and the yang. Suffice it to say, the entire ART/ACT lineup represents some of the Very Best preamps made by anyone in the last 10 years.

Prior to C-J's Thirtieth Anniversary, the ACT2.2 was their top shelf preamp. And if all ART IIIs are sold tomorrow (if they are not already) the 2.2 resumes that position.

If read wrong, it means the writer wrote wrongly or forgot what the original sounded like. The info is in black-n-white and can be read all over.

Don't always believe what you read. As I said I own an ART and it has no tube rush issues. I have never read fromj any owner indicating noise issues.

If you want tube rush noise, try a VTL 7.5 and mate it with ant amp with more than 28db gain. Then you will here tube rush.
