McIntosh Integrated

Which is the best sounding of the current Mac integrateds, the three SS and the tube version. Is there an older model that is better than any of these. Power is not an issue as I have 89db speakers with a very easy impedance curve. Thnak you.
Ok. It seems that it is between the 6900 and 2275. I assume that some of you have purchased on or the other auditioned both, and I would like feedback on that comparison (like Foster_9s). Another option would be to go for the MC252 to use with my Joule LA-150MK II pre. Thank you.
I have heard them all and would go with the MA2275, hands down. It is very hard to beat that beautiful integrated.

Does the 2275 come with KT88 or 6550? Is their a preference for one tube over the other?