Pass Labs XA-160 vs Levinson 33H

I have a sneaky feeling that my beloved XA160 amps may not be the perfect match for my ARC Ref 3 preamp. I am also a little worried that I could use a tad more power though I am less worried about this than I am about the impedance match between my pre and amp.

Anyway, could anyone please let me know their thoughts on the 33H? How does it sound? I have read that Levinson can be cold and clinical. I love how my XA160 produces clean, organic music. I dont want to give this up. I am looking for feedback (good and bad) on the 33H. Any direct comparison between the Pass to the Levinson would be highly useful. Also, anyone using a REF 3 with the 33H?

Thanks in advance.
I brought my dartzeel (for which I am a dealer)over to my customers house. He had the levinson 32, 33H and Sonus faber Stradaveri's. In comparison to the dartzeel, I would not say that the 33H is cold and clinical. I would say it had an electronic glaze, was veiled, 2 dimensional, far less natural and closed in as compared to the dartzeel.
You other option would be to keep you Pass and get a low output impedance preamp like the Joule 150MKII, unless you just love the ARC pre, which many people do.
pubul57, I personally feel that amps have the least influence on the sound so I would be more willing to change my amps and keep my Ref 3.