BAT Preamps, why such polarized opposite opinions?

I've never heard a BAT preamp. But I've heard enough about them on this and other sites. What is it about their sonics that people either tend to really like or really dislike them?

I've heard criticisms that they lack air, treble openness, life. I've been told the VK32SE is too dark, too weighted to the bottom, no air or delicacy on top.

I've heard these polarized opinions from audio salesmen as well, some who carried (carry) BAT. Let's just say I made alot of long distance calls to get a broad opinion.

But others love their sound and think they are fabulous.

I know what you're going to tell me - go listen to them yourself. Well, I live rural and it isn't easy to do.

So, instead, I'd like to get opinions across the spectrum from the Audiogon guys.

I'm using a Audio Research 100.2 with Dali Helicon 400's. I've tried Rogue, ARC, Sonic Frontiers, but haven't found the right preamp yet.
I have owned the VK-3i and now the VK-30. I think the main reason for the varying opinions would be the other equipment that the BAT preamp might be paired with. I have really enjoyed both of the units I have owned and would not hesitate to choose BAT gear in the future.

I too live in an area with no BAT dealer, and had to go by opinions listed here. If you do get a unit through audiogon, if you don't like it, you can resell without being out too much money.

What are looking for that you haven't found in the gear that you have tried?
If you're considering spending this kind of money, I'd invest in a trip to a city with suitable high end shops so you can personally decide unless you are not going to buy new. BAT is an esteemed brand and for good reason...high build quality and unsurpassed customer support. With this level of equipment, opinions you hear are based on subjective musical preferences that are individualized. I doubt if anyone told you the BAT gear is unreliable or the company turns its back on you if you need service. I've owned one BAT pre and it was a terrific piece VK5i.
Good luck,
We have found (and our customers) the BAT VK3iX to be one of the "best buys" in audio. It also can enjoy an upgrade path as budget and needs increase. Stongly consider this piece. It will match well with your current equipment.
Happy Listening
My freinds and I recently had a comparison listen to a few preamps at my place. One of the units was a BAT 52se. The thing was built like a tank and looked great. Some of the other preamps were the ARC Ref3 and my Aesthetix Callisto sig.

The BAT was the warmest and I guess you could say most colored. It didn't have the resolving power of the other two and seemed a bit lacking at either frequency extreem.... Sounds like I didn't like it right? Wrong. It was sweet sounding and very enjoyable to my ears. I would have picked it after my Aesthetix for my tastes (and no, the Aesthix is not real warm sounding- probably the most neutral of the preamps I have listened to recently). I kinda hate the reviewer terms, but I would have to call it "musical".

Hope this helps,

I have a VK 51SE (used/audiogon for a good price) replacing a ML 380S and Love it. Mates well with my Aesthix Rhea phono preamp. The sound is big and extremely musical. I prefer the tubes on the front end with vinyl. The build quality is super. The only negitive to me about BAT products is there slighty pricey when new.