Isolation platform for the power amps

Hi, I have Odyssey Stratos Power amp. at present, it is on the rack. In future, it plan to have Mono blocks and may put them on the floor. Which isolation platforms is appropriate? Not looking for extotic > $ 150 ones ! Thank you.
you could use basalt slabs, volcanic rock made with a completely irregular matrix.

Check out this link from a manufacturer of what many consider the maker of the finest audio connectors, etc...
Mrjstark, I found Mana stands were superior, especially with initially Neuance shelves and better yet with Acapella bases. Now I have a Halcyonics active isolation base under my amp, but this is hardly on topic for this thread.
Tbg. You are absolutely right.
Acapella base, Neuance shelves and Halcyonics active isolation base should be in another tread, something with

" iso-base and shelves for filthy reach and crazy "
" I have 10G to spend on accessories - any ideas ? "

Please don't take it personal but prices of products you mentioned are ridicules at best.
This makes me a little jealous of your financial resources and your job. Congratulations on doing very well.... for your self.

Mariusz Stark
I use Sistrum platforms under all of my electronics speakers and subs. Same highly reactive grounding technology I applied to acoustic instruments, some with an increase in output of 1.5 db. I am a dealer..Tom
Mrstark, I don't know what the "filthy reach" means, but thanks for your kind words.