Better than a CAT?

I own a CAT JL2. It is the best amp I have ever heard. I would like to know if someone who has owned a CAT, or is very familiar with their sound, has found an amp that they have found to be better in their opinion. I would like to hear from those that have auditioned other highly touted ampfliers and decided to stay with their CAT - the CAT withstood the challenge. I'm really only interested in comparisons to the CAT, not genralized comments like ,"amp xyz is the best amp I ever heard", "you should try amp xyz". I'm interested in comparative comments from those familiar with the CAT through ownership or frequent exposure to it. I personally find the amp tough to beat with its Krell-like bass and SET-like immediacy. Thank you.
I just read a message somewhere from a guy who got rid of his CAT Ultimate and JL2 in favor of Ming Da pre and amp. Not something I think I'd ever do -- but I suppose anything's possible ;-)
I've actually heard very strong review from a fellow-audiogoner that is using the Ming Da with his CAT JL2 and loves it. Price does not appear to be an issue. So there may be someting to the Ming Da product, but of course you never know. He lives near me, I'm tempted to audition. If the person you mentioned left CAT for Ming Da, and money was not an issue, and he has "good" ears, then your know the Ming Da must be something special.
Pubul57, for all our sakes, will you please go for an audition and report back? I thought CAT was one of the top 3 or 4 tube equipment manufacturers. Not to diss Ming Da -- they get great reviews, but I never imagined they were in CAT's league.
I can't imagine that either, but this fella is a pretty seasoned audiophile. By the way, I had the CAT SL1 MKII Ultimate, and I ended up with the Joule LA 150 MKII. Both great preamps and some will love one, some the other. But I have not ever heard anything to knock the amp off it's pedestal - it is simply incredible - power and control to drive any speaker, and finesse and transparency. But this Ming Da pre does have me interested, it is "dirt" cheap by comparison to other top flight pres. Another fella whose ears I most defintely trust has falling in love with an ASL FLora pre, I think it is $3000. If this holds true, there may be some real gems in the Chinese frontier. Again, I have not heard either.
I replaced my JL2 with Symphonic Line Kraft 250. It is the only solid state I could live with after CAT, and it controls my Eggleston Andra speakers much better.