OK, I'll enter the fray here and strongly agree with Zilla.
The NuForce 9.0SEv2's are absolutely incredible amps. I was a heard-core tube-o-phile, and have had more amps, over 30+ years of chasing the audio fantastic than I care to admit, but I can tell you straight out - these are a revelation in high end amplification.
Anyone who isn't willing to at least audition these is really missing out on a huge slice of audio nirvana at a real world price.
The NuForce 9.0SEv2's are absolutely incredible amps. I was a heard-core tube-o-phile, and have had more amps, over 30+ years of chasing the audio fantastic than I care to admit, but I can tell you straight out - these are a revelation in high end amplification.
Anyone who isn't willing to at least audition these is really missing out on a huge slice of audio nirvana at a real world price.