"pls look at the Nuforce site under the award and review menu....the quantity of enthusiastic reviews by TAS, 6moon, Stereotimes etc is embarassing!!!!"
Drooling is embarassing indeed. If you look again into TAS review - it is compilation of three different reviewers. two gave excellent review and one terrible.
Why? Is this one professional reviewer is deaf? No, read again TAS it gave NuForce Editor Choice Award but with the caveat - ineractions with cables (and obvuously speakers).
I know this amp cannot drive electrastatic Martin-Logan speakers (not poorly drive but not at all - coming the the region of difficult impedance and shut itself (v1 for the record).
Without going into engineering as to why let me simply state that despite multiple positive resonse and even drooling ==> BUYER-BEWARE !!!! Good amplifier but not for every speaker!
Drooling is embarassing indeed. If you look again into TAS review - it is compilation of three different reviewers. two gave excellent review and one terrible.
Why? Is this one professional reviewer is deaf? No, read again TAS it gave NuForce Editor Choice Award but with the caveat - ineractions with cables (and obvuously speakers).
I know this amp cannot drive electrastatic Martin-Logan speakers (not poorly drive but not at all - coming the the region of difficult impedance and shut itself (v1 for the record).
Without going into engineering as to why let me simply state that despite multiple positive resonse and even drooling ==> BUYER-BEWARE !!!! Good amplifier but not for every speaker!